Think Eternity

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Have You Had Your Break Today?

It is vital to our productivity in any job or assignment to take needed times of rest.  Over the years of many various jobs, part of me thinks I can just push myself harder and surprise myself with the capacity of my strength.  

The kicker is that for those in ministry seemingly essential ministry opportunities pop up constantly.  There is always someone in need, urgent items to get done, and more work to be done for the Lord.


Enter Jesus. 


The author and finisher of our faith, who for thirty years of his short life here on earth spent anonymously in hiddeness as a humble carpenter, away from his call to save humanity.  His mom basically had to force him to un-mask his divinity and do his first miracle, showing that miracle power had been resting in him all along.  He was God in the flesh, the exact representation of God, and he rested 90% of his life among us.


We must couple our evangelistic urgency with a strong sense of God timing.  Christ's life, death and resurrection was timed exactly since the creation of the world.  So too, our lives, must be well rested and well groomed for the work the Lord has prepared for us at certain times and seasons.  Taking breaks long enough to enjoy what we do can be some of the most beneficial time we ever have - time to refocus, shift our eyes on our Lord and remember we are in this for the long haul.  Out of these breaks flow productivity, fresh perspective and a new anointing.


We must make breaks a priority in our lives.  It was God who invented the Sabbath, not man.  Take a little time to schedule in breaks in your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly routine.