Think Eternity

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Faith is Not Enough

Many years ago, one of the biographers of Smith Wigglesworth, George Storemont was preaching a service in Europe in which Smith was in attendance. Smith had seen God do hundreds of miracles in people's lives as he proclaimed Christ across the European continent. So much so, that after he went to be with the Lord, it was coined that he had been an "Apostle of Faith." Only a few rare souls on this earth have reached the level of faith that Smith had achieved by God's grace. 

During his sermon, Storemont began stating: "Faith is not enough." Smith's eyes and ears perked up in the audience. As a legend of the faith, and a man who had built his entire life on faith in Jesus, he wanted to know where his friend was going with this. 

Storemont continued on the important passage from Hebrews: "We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith AND patience inherit what has been promised." (Hebrews 6:12).

Smith called out from the crowd: "that's good preaching," as Storemont continued with his point.

Faith is not enough. We need to compliment it with patience. In fact, our patience often shows the real measure of our faith

How do you see God move in your life? Have faith that He cares enough to respond to your requests and your seeking (Hebrews 11:6), and continue in that trust that He cares for you until you see how He responds on your behalf. 

This is why I've enjoyed Mark Batterson's word picture of "prayer circles" in his book The Circle Maker so much. For as long as I can remember, I have regularly journaled important "large" prayer requests every 3 months or so, and continued to keep these in front of me throughout the days and weeks, seeking to work as if it all depended on me, but pray as if it all depended on God. I write the date God answers, and I am often surprised at how He has worked on our behalf. 

Most of my prayers haven't come true in an instant, but many have come true as I've patiently kept the prayer in front of me and sought God faithfully to move on my behalf. 

Patient faith is potent faith. Patient faith is powerful faith. Really, patience is extended faith, and it takes faith to be patient and pray.


Maybe there's prayers that you've been praying, that you've walked away from. I encourage you to pick these up and continue in patient faith to see God move on your behalf. Let me know what you're praying for, and how we can be praying for you in the comments below.