Think Eternity

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Escaping Normal For Noble

By Ian Rinken


A word often used but hard to define.

A word used to conform people toward a desired action.

A word, that honestly shouldn't even exist.

Think about this for a second,

Who defines "normal"?

What is the standard of "normal"?

And how does one become "normal"?

Here is a tip: You Don’t.

The reality is, no one can truly be “normal” because being “normal means conforming to your surroundings and forgetting what makes you unique.

So what if you were told being "normal" isn't all it's built up to be?

What if you were told being Noble instead of "normal" will influence people in a much greater way?

"Normal" is decided by the world.

But “Noble” is decided by God.

God doesn't want you to fit in and be "normal" He wants you to stand out amongst the crowd and tell them why His ways are better.

As humans, it's easy to get caught up in what others are doing. How they are living. And what they think of us. But God has asked and called you to something deeper in this season.

Maybe you're struggling at school and hiding your faith from those around you.

Maybe you don't feel like anyone in your workplace will understand if you tell them about Jesus.

Maybe you're afraid to be considered weird in the eyes of your peers.

But let me assure you,

God's purpose for your life will always outweigh the pain that comes from this world.

No one can tell you who you are other than God. And no one knows you better than the One who created you.

So be challenged this week, this month, this year to escape from "normal" and become noble. To live a life that is so different from those around you that they might ask where your security and joy comes from.

Now is the time to escape being "normal" and run toward the responsibility of being noble for God's Kingdom!

We know you have what it takes.