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Seeking Stillness in the Busyness | Chelsea Crockett

Life demands a lot from us. It’s always go, go, go to the point where we forget to take a minute and ask ourselves, “is it worth it?”

I’ve always been one to have a lot on my plate. I enjoy working, having things to do, and keeping myself busy, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get overwhelmed from time to time.

A busy lifestyle is nothing to be ashamed of. But when it takes away from us seeking God and growing in our relationship with him, it can become a problem. I’m a true believer in the concept of stillness and how it pleases God when we take the time to rest and focus on him.

If you feel overwhelmed and disconnected from the Lord, look at what the Bible has to say about seeking stillness.

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.

Maybe your busyness is in the way you think. Your mind is tossing and turning over so many things at once that you forget about what the Bible says!

This verse is so simple, yet so powerful. When we’re still and hand our cares and worries off to the Lord, he takes our burdens and turns them into blessings. In a moment of stillness, talk to God and ask him to do just that.

Hillsong Worship has a song called “Still” and the chorus always speaks to me.

When the oceans rise and thunders roar

I will soar with You above the storm

Father, You are King over the flood

I will be still, know You are God.”

I love listening to this song because it always reminds me of who is in control, no matter how many times I try to be. When you’re in the middle of a storm, take time to be still and give it to God! Stillness is not just a mindset, but an action. If you don’t make an effort to do so, nothing will change, leaving your head and heart frantic, stressed, and overwhelmed.

At the beginning of each week, I like to set aside uninterrupted time with God. When I look at my schedule for each day, I pick an hour or so that God and I get to spend together, without feeling rushed or side-tracked.

Psalm 62:1 says, “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.

Once you start seeking this stillness that God refers to, you truly will find the rest you’re looking for. These quiet times with God should be at the top of your priorities!

Look at your schedule and set aside some time each day for God. For he will take your busyness and turn it into stillness! All you have to do is give him the control. 🙂

Chelsea Crockett is a writer, youtuber, speaker, author of "Your Own Beautiful Book", and Christian on mission to serve and love.