Think Eternity

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Get on the Train

If you are not on facebook and twitter and other social networking sites, we encourage you to come into the 21st Century and do so!

Don't know if you heard but Prince William and Kate Middleton first announced their engagement to the world via twitter.  

Twitter is a social networking site that has you share what you are doing in 140 characters or less.  This 140 character rule is built upon twitter being best utilized via SMS and texting from mobile phones.  Really what this has done, is reinvent the proverb for our modern area.  

The world is changing right before our eyes.  I recently visited the British Monarchy website and their front and center advertisement is asking visitors to join their facebook page!  No joke.  So many celebrities, superstars, world leaders and even governments have realized the inherent power of social networks - it would be good for the Church to continue to tap into these as well - for the glory of God!

There's two important things we must learn with social media:
1. How to build and extend our friendships on these networks.
2. How to properly spread the work of the Lord, without being overbearing (aka: spam), yet still being a steward of the influence God has given us, and disciplining ourselves to post great content, and doing our social media work with excellence and enjoyment.