
Mark and Shirley DenyesI really don't know why I deserve to have been ingrafted into the Denyes family. My wife of almost eight years is absolutely gorgeous and lovely in every way, and her family is absolutely sweet and tight-knit as any I've ever seen.

My wife's grandpa, Pastor G. Mark Denyes, founding Pastor for more than 40 years, of Emmanuel near the Twin Cities, went to be with Jesus on Monday night this week. 

The heritage of godliness and faithfulness that he left his family is a staggering and shining example of the benefits of following Jesus

Michelle wrote these powerful words about him: "Said goodbye to my Grandpa last night as many of us were there with him as he left for eternity. He has left such a legacy. He has spoken about eternity his entire life and last night got to see it for the first time. My Grandma is so strong and prayed the most enduring prayer over him as we all cried together. I have never been more proud to be a Denyes."

He was a hero and legend of the faith. In honor of his legacy, I have compiled a handful of blogs sharing lessons I've learned from him over the past decade I have been priviledged to be around him: 

Did You Heart the Christians Tremble

The Memory of the Righteous

I Love My Church

What Kind of Faith is This?

Be Careful Little Mouths... 

You are invited to a celebration of his life this Friday evening at Emmanuel. More info here.

From a ministry partner:

How Much Faith Do You Need?


The Call to Reach the Next Generation