Who Sees Miracles and Breakthroughs?

Some days it feels like I've been praying for God to come through on my behalf for as long as I can remember.

This is just the way Michelle and I live our lives. We want to spend our lives seeing God do what only God can do.

It's not that we are constantly praying for some sort of healing, it's that we are constantly praying for God to open doors and use us for the sake of His gospel. I posted on my facebook the other day: "I'm so hungry for God to use me." Yes, I know that God is using me, but I also long to bring the gospel to even more people.

I long for my life to be filled with the Presence and purposes of God. Like Moses said in Exodus 33: "If Your Presence doesn't go with me, don't send me out from here, for what else will distinguish me from all the people of the earth?" Great question. 

I want to spend my life being a conduit for God to do what only God can do. I want God to be in it. And if God is not in it, I want no part in it. It's really that simple.

So really, every day for as long as I can remember has not been simply praying for God to do miracles. Many days have been filled with watching amazed at God's answers to those prayers. God showing up and opening doors, opening hearts to the gospel, meeting needs, making a way where there was no way. 

I believe God wants to be actively involved in our lives in this way. He wants us to seek Him, and He wants to regularly come through on our behalf. 2 Chronicles 16:9 reminds us that "The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him."

Remember what I blogged about a few weeks ago? Who sees miracles and breakthroughs? The people who don't quit. "Through faith and patience" we inherit what has been promised. We pray with faith, and we prove our faith by our patient trust that God will work on our behalf and do things that only He can do.

So how about you? Are you going on just living your life? Or are you living to see God do what only God can do?

From a ministry partner:

We Don't Get It


God's Free Gift of Salvation