Think Eternity

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The Right Side of Eternity

There's so much talk lately in the news media and from liberal political groups about "being on the right side of history."

They are saying: one day we will all regret standing for Scriptural values, because everyone else in the nation will agree we were wrong for not agreeing with them. 

As my pastor friend Barry Phipps stated: "Don't try to be on the right side of history. Be on the right side of eternity."

1 Corinthians 7:31 reminds us "This world as you see it is on it's way out."

I don't say "be on the right side of eternity" to be right. I'm not trying to prove a point, or win an argument.

As the Apostle Paul wrote the Corinthians, "We understand our fearful responsibility to the Lord, we work hard to persuade others. God knows we are sincere, and I hope you know this, too."

I hope you know that many Christians in the world are sincere. 

As a person who has experienced God's grace and greatness, I also (like the Apostle Paul and many others) work hard to persuade people to ditch sin and receive peace with God through Jesus. 

I do this because I "understand my fearful responsibility to the Lord." Here are some underlying Christian beliefs from a few of my friends around the world (in tweets): 

Rich Langton: God doesn't just do good, He's the definition of good. Everything we think of as good, ultimately reflects Him! 

David Sliker: When this season of life is finished and the full story is told, we will not have even one small complaint with the leadership of God. 

Pradeepan Jeeva: If we show people Christians are better than what they have heard, they may start wondering if God is better than they had previously heard. And, of course, He is.

A person who has truly experienced the gospel knows: 

  • We ourselves are hopeless without the gospel. 
  • We are not goody-two-shoes that don't have a care in the world. 
  • Everyday in every way we are dependent on the gospel.
  • Since we've experienced the love available only in loving Jesus, and it feels so good, we yearn for others to experience this same love. 
  • We are not simply responsible to do nice things in society (although we love to do lots of it!). The greatest injustice is people without the hope of the gospel.
  • What God did for us in His Son Jesus is so significant that any other "ways" or "truths" fade in comparison to the truth of Jesus. No one else can save, otherwise Jesus wouldn't have wasted His time on earth, and given His life for us in such a drastic way.
  • Nothing is more powerful than the gospel. Christ's power transforms hearts and lives from loving sin to loving God. But this power is available only through believing the gospel, and it is an ongoing work in our hearts throughout our lives.
  • While we are not perfect (by any means), being satisfied and okay with what the Bible calls sin would lead to death, because it would cut us off from the life and peace we have in Christ.
  • Nothing in this world compares to Jesus! Once you experience His touch, you understand. It's indescribable.
  • We don't need to clean up our lives to come to God. He takes us as we are, and does something life-changing in our hearts, right away, and in ongoing ways throughout our lives.
  • We are to love people and care for them in practical ways, no matter if they agree with us, or believe with us, or not. We are sincere. We want to show we care.