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5 Ways to Bless Others During a Pandemic

By Jon Ferguson

In the initial phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic, most people’s attention was focused on adjusting to what many called a “new normal.” For many, this meant social distancing, wearing face masks, and abiding by stay-at-home orders issued by local and state governments. Sadly, for others, the impact was much more devastating as they contracted the virus themselves or lost loved ones to this horrific disease. Hardly anyone has managed to escape the day-to-day strain on their mental and emotional well-being. At Community Christian Church in Chicago where I pastor, we quickly realized that we were in a crisis unlike anything we’d experienced before in our lifetimes.

 For most pastors and church leaders, we first had to shift our services and small groups online. It was an effort to reach out to people who were isolated and needing to know they weren’t in this alone. We could see that even though we were under a “stay-at-home” order, there would be more opportunities than ever to meet the growing needs in our communities. We repeated this mantra: “Where fear sees a crisis, faith sees an opportunity, convinced that this crisis would give us the chance to live out our mission and share the good news of Jesus in unprecedented ways. 

One way we did this was by working with local nonprofits to identify the top ten to twelve emerging needs in our communities. We then developed teams to address them—loneliness teams, food insecurity teams, teams to serve high-risk individuals, and many more. Through these teams, we were able to mobilize hundreds of people to care for thousands more across Chicagoland. 

While these teams continue to be vital, one of our deepest desires was to help all 12,000 people who call Community their church home find tangible ways to show the love of Jesus to their neighbors even in the midst of what felt like a debilitating pandemic. We believe that when Jesus said to “Love your neighbor as you love yourself,” he didn’t intend for it to come to a screeching halt when crisis strikes, even if it means we are mostly confined within the four walls of our homes.  

Regardless of the circumstances Jesus loved and blessed every person he ever encountered.

In his most famous teaching, the Sermon on the Mount, he begins with what is known as the Beatitudes and gives nine ways you can live a “blessed” life… (Matthew 5).  In fact, as word spread far and wide about Jesus’ blessing, look what happened: “People were bringing children to Jesus so that he would… bless them… Then he hugged the children and blessed them.” (Mark 10:13, 16) We began to see a pattern in Jesus’s life, and as we took a closer look, we discovered 5 everyday ways he went about loving people and changing the world. 

In the first few weeks of the pandemic I met with a group of leaders at Community via Zoom, and I shared with them what it could look like for us to share the love of Jesus and BLESS our neighbors like Jesus did, even during a pandemic.  These ways form an acrostic that spells the word “BLESS.” 


B : BEGIN WITH PRAYER. If you don’t already, this is a great time to start praying for your neighbors. If you need some help, go to It lists your neighbors’ names and addresses with helpful ideas for how you can pray for them. You could go on a prayer walk through your neighborhood, as long you wear a mask, and maintain social-distancing guidelines. Ask God to bless the people you see or the apartment buildings, homes, and businesses in your neighborhood as you walk through your community. If you’re not sure how to pray for someone, simply pray for them in the same way you would want someone to pray for you.

L : LISTEN. We know one of the greatest gifts we can give to anyone is a listening ear. As long as you keep your distance (six feet apart), you can still talk to people when you are out and about. If you aren’t comfortable leaving your home, or if you are a high-risk individual, then use FaceTime, Zoom, or Google Hangout to talk with friends, neighbors, and co-workers. You might ever try an actual phone call - remember those? Ask them, “How are you really doing?’ and then give them the space to actually tell you how they are doing. More than ever in this season of isolation, people are longing for connection— someone who will LISTEN to them.

E : EAT. Even in a global pandemic, most of us still eat at least three meals a day. And if you’re like me, many snacks in between. Offer to provide a meal to someone via a food delivery app. Or better yet, don’t ask first. Surprise someone. Buy a delicious “treat” at the grocery store and drop it off for someone. Schedule a Zoom lunch or dinner together. Just this week some friends of mine delivered freshly baked scones to their neighbors. My wife, Lisa, and I were on the receiving end of a blessing when someone left a loaf of fresh bread on our front porch. 

S : SERVE. Social-distancing means we must get creative in how we serve others: Write a thank-you note to your local grocer or first responders. Buy a few extra rolls of toilet paper, disinfectant wipes, or other supplies to share with your neighbors. Rake your neighbor’s leaves or shovel the snow off their sidewalks. Call someone who may be lonely or buy groceries for someone who can’t leave their home. If you’re praying for your neighbors and listening to what they are saying, chances are you will discover meaningful ways you could serve them. 

S : STORY. In this crisis you may have more opportunities than ever to tell your story of how you found our way to God and the difference your hope in Jesus makes, especially during these difficult times. Look for opportunities to share your story. And keep it simple. It’s as easy as one, two, three: 1) Talk about your life before you met Jesus, 2) Share how you met Jesus, and 3) Let them know how your life is different since you met Jesus.


Just like Jesus, we can BLESS our neighbors in any and all circumstances. Even in a pandemic, the mission of Jesus is simply unstoppable when every one of his followers recognizes the opportunities around them and the responsibility before them to help people experience the love of Jesus.

Jon Ferguson is the network pastor and co-founder of Community Christian Church, just outside of Chicago. He is also the co-author of B.L.E.S.S.: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World, available on Amazon and in stores nationwide January 5, 2021. Learn more at