Believing the Bible by Faith | Matt Brown
The video above is from a series titled, "The Good Race." These one-minute messages, developed in partnership with LightWorkers (MGM), help answer some of life’s deepest questions to guide you in the journey of faith.
Billy Graham preached the Gospel to over 80 million people... in person. That doesn't even count the millions of people who heard him through radio, television, and online broadcasts. His messages were so powerfully rooted in the truth of the Bible that generations of believers can trace their faith back to a crusade or event where Billy preached.
“But ultimately, because God is God and the Bible is so much bigger than us, there will always be times when we don’t understand everything.”
But, even Billy Graham had to overcome doubts and fears in believing that the Bible is true. As I explain in the video above, believing the Bible is 100% truth will always end at a road of pure faith.
I don't know where you are with the Word of God - I encourage you and challenge you to seek out great answers from Biblical scholars who can help you figure things out. But ultimately, because God is God and the Bible is so much bigger than us, there will always be times when we don't understand everything. I challenge you to take a moment like Dr. Billy Graham did and get on your knees before God and put your trust in His Word. This world needs more Billy Grahams - men and women who believe the Bible by faith and devote their lives to sharing this Good News with anyone who will listen.