Devote Your Work to the Lord | Chelsea Crockett

Devote Your Work to the Lord

As we grow up, we spend more and more time in a certain place…can you guess what it is? If you guessed work, then you guessed right. Because we spend so much time at our places of employment, whether we work from home or out of the home, it is so important that we devote our work to the Lord. Our job is one of the ways that He provides for us. God grows our character and our faith as we rely on him for strength to do our job. Here are 3 prayers to lift up to the Lord about your work.

  1. Thank the God that you can do all things through Him who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13).

  2. Ask God to help you be content in life and not desire money and possessions and not to want what others have and ask Him to give you the desire to work hard for what you earn. (1 Thessalonians 41:11-12) Ask that He would help you seek His kingdom first instead of pursuing fortune, worldly success, or the approval of others. (Matthew 6:33)

  3. Pray that you will be faithful and wise with your work responsibilities, whether they are big or small. Pray that God would help you be honest, even when it is hard to be. (Luke 16:10-13)

  4. Pray you would be faithful in all of the work responsibilities you have been given, whether big or small. Ask that God would help you stay true to yourself and your beliefs, even when under pressure to do the opposite. (Luke 16:10-13)

  5. Ask the Lord for the ability to obey and respect those who are in authority over you at work, and to do this because it is the right thing to do, not because you want to be a people-pleaser. Commit whatever you do to the Lord and work hard, because you will receive the inheritance of the Lord as your reward. Even in your job, you are serving Him, no matter what it is that you do. (Colossians 3:21-24).

  6. Remember to keep the Sabbath as a day of rest, because that is what God modeled for us. (Genesis 2:2)

Lastly, pray that God would use you where you work to help show people His love! God has provided you the job that you have for a purpose and for a reason!

Chelsea is a writer, youtuber, speaker, author of "Your Own Beautiful Book", and Christian on mission to serve and love.

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