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Digital Evangelists Counter Disinformation with Outreach to Gen Z

By Alex Murashko

There’s a positive side to the disinformation tsunami hitting all of us through media platforms of every sort – large swaths of young people in America have learned to discern, perhaps the hard way, between truth and untruth.

Evangelist and global youth ministry leader, Jon Groves, has been integrating “digital evangelism” since shortly after the advent of social media. He keeps a close eye on generational trends, including the different ways that Generation Z (aka Gen Z), a generation born between 1997-2012, following millennials, does church or defines faith in Jesus.

 “Gen Z is very hardened toward truth in general because they don’t have an accurate definition of truth,” Groves, who turns 30 next month, told Think Eternity. “Every day there is a new lie to debug. But every day we’re sharing the same truth with new people from the pulpit of my cell phone.”

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” – Romans 12:2

In the past, through the avenues of social media platforms such as Facebook, users wanted to read and see what people were about, he said. “But lately, the last year or two, with the advent of platforms like Tik Tok and with the expansion of video platforms like Instagram and YouTube, it’s become evident that people care equally as much about who is saying it as they do about what is being said. There’s good and bad.”

Groves explained that the reason disinformation is readily reposted is because the online followers of an actor or politician, for example, might share a post of theirs simply because of their allegiance to them as followers. In other words, “If they said it, I believe it because I follow them.” 

He and others involved in digital evangelism have a desire to take the principles of how social media users and followers relate to each other and “utilize it for God’s Kingdom to make content that allows followers globally to feel as if they have a connection with the minister because they do,” he said. “They get to be a part of that minister’s life and the ‘behind the scenes,’ not just polished content.” 

Groves adds that when Christian leaders share the truth and scripture there is “a whole generation that will listen because of who is saying it” because of their trust in the pastor or ministry leader developed online in the short or long term.

“If you present the truth well, you’re equipping them to also discover the same answer as you discovered because you’re equipping them, not just educating them,” he said.

Jesus online 

One way Groves and ministry partner Matt Brown of Think Eternity share their passion for online evangelism is through their project, Digital Billy Grahams (DBG). “Many believers feel called to share Jesus online, but they don’t know where to start or have the spiritual training to keep going. Digital Billy Grahams is here to come alongside you and the burden you have, to help you step into that calling, and see thousands impacted for Christ,” state DBG co-leaders. “We are the first generation in history with the opportunity to share Jesus online.”

 Brown said Groves was an innovative and successful church planter in Tennessee, when he called him after sensing God’s call to step into full time evangelism. 

“Our friendship and ministry partnership has grown in many ways, and he is excellent at connecting with next generation leadership who are impacting millions on social media, and helping them grow and deepen their faith,” Brown shared. 

Groves says that because discipleship can't happen to the full extent digitally, it has to be done in person “like Jesus and his twelve.”

“That's what's happening with the Revival Nights,” he said. “We're hosting each with a goal of starting a revival movement in every major city across the US before the end of the roaring 20s (2020s decade).” 

He continued, “We host in the facilities of churches that we believe in, so that when a student comes to know Christ, or is revived in their faith, and they ask, ‘Where should I go to church?’ we can say right here, where you're standing right now. If we're equipping students well, if we're equipping them biblically, I like to say the end game of preaching is a high view of Scripture.” 

Brown believes Groves is also receiving incredible favor on his ‘Revival Nights’ tour in partnership with ministry partner

“I am thrilled with this effort, because not only are they holding large gatherings of young people in communities across America, but he is mobilizing them for inter-denominational student-led worship nights in their city,” Brown said. “This is something that greatly impacted me on my own journey back when I was a teenager, and I couldn’t be more excited to see more movements of God like this sparked around the nation.”

Reaching the next generation

Digital expert and evangelist Malachai O’Brien believes that in order to reach the next generation, Christian leaders “must go to the platforms where they are and address the real internal issues young people face for eternal impact.” For example, internal issues such as the ones manifested by the growing mental health crisis.

O’Brien also believes that today’s youth need authenticity and answers. 

“Young people do not need catchy quotes but rather authentic and vulnerable conversations to the questions they have,” O’Brien said.

When Groves was asked by Think Eternity how today’s youth can be reached, he answered, “Be present. What I mean by that is to keep your eyes and ears open. To look and listen more than you speak and assume. 

“Secondly, be genuine. Gen Z has a very good fake filter. They don't need you to be cool. They need you to be real. 

“Thirdly, speak the truth. The Cross has and will continue to be the magnet of Christianity. You are not the draw. The gospel is the draw. And so if you will be present and know who you are talking to and what you're talking about. Be genuine and don't try to be somebody else's personality. 

“Just be who God created you to be and then speak the truth. Then, you will reach people that only you can reach and I will reach people only I can reach, and together we will reach the world.”

“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” – Psalm 145:18

Alex Murashko is the founder and editor of Media on Mission, which highlights the work of media and journalists, working in all platforms. Murashko is on the Thinke Writing Team and feels blessed to watch how God moves.

Find him on various social media sites (@alexmurashko). GETTR username @MediaOnMission.