Think Eternity

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Feeling Overwhelmed? Run to Jesus for Rest and Renewal

Life can be overwhelming. That’s an understatement. We carry heavy burdens—some visible, others hidden deep in our hearts. We often find ourselves drained physically, emotionally, and spiritually, with a deep longing for peace.

The good news is that Jesus offers a life-giving invitation to us all:

"Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." –Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT)

What does this mean? The key to experiencing true rest is found in running to Jesus. It’s not just a one-time desperate sprint but a daily practice of turning to Him and following His example.

Jesus Modeled Rest and Renewal

Throughout His life on earth, Jesus gave us a blueprint for how to navigate seasons of stress, busyness, and grief. He demonstrated the importance of seeking rest, solitude, and prayer in moments of need—before and after the most pivotal moments of His ministry.

  • Before beginning His ministry, Jesus fasted and prayed in the wilderness for an extended period of time (Matthew 4:1-2).

  • Before choosing His disciples, He prayed all night on a mountain (Luke 6:12-13).

  • After healing people, Jesus went to an isolated place to pray (Mark 1:35).

  • After learning about the death of John the Baptist, Jesus sought solitude on a boat (Matthew 14:13).

  • After feeding the 5,000, He went into the hills by Himself to pray (Matthew 14:23).

  • After a time of intense ministry, Jesus led His disciples to a quiet place to rest (Mark 6:30-32).

  • Before facing the cross, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane and invited His disciples to pray with Him (Matthew 26:36-39).

In each instance, Jesus intentionally withdrew from the crowds, the demands, and even His closest followers to spend time alone with His Father. This wasn’t just a moment of retreat; it was an opportunity to be renewed, to find strength, and to seek guidance.

Follow Jesus' Example

Notice how every example of Jesus seeking solitude and prayer came before or after something crucial, draining, or even gut-wrenching. He knew the importance of resting in God's presence and wants us to follow His lead.

In your moments of weariness, take a step back. Seek solitude, find time to rest, and most importantly, pray. Run to Jesus, not only when the weight feels unbearable but as a daily practice to renew your soul.

Are you tired? Are you exhausted? Are you weak?

Jesus is waiting with open arms. Rest, renewal, and even rejuvenation are found in His presence, and there, your burdens will feel lighter. 


Chuck E. Tate is a pastor in central Illinois, cohost of Revival Town Podcast, and the award-winning author of 41 Will Come. His second book—Nine Words From Jesus—will release in January 2025.

Tate is also a member of the Think Eternity News team.