God's Timing Is Always Right On Time

By Aaron Joseph Hall

God's timing is always right on time. Recently, my wife and I sold our house and it only happened when the Lord wanted it to happen. Let me rewind just a bit though. In the middle of the house selling process, we were supposed to fly out to Kansas City for the Digital Billy Graham Summitt put on by my friend Matt Brown here at Think Eternity.

Two hours before our flight was to depart, we got notifications that our 5AM flight would be delayed, which would cause us to miss our connecting flight from Charlotte to Kansas. For two hours we tried everything to get on a new flight. We tried several different airports and called everything person we could think of. At one point the wait time for the airline company was 8 hours! Needless to say, everything failed.

The next day a tropical storm came over South Florida. It was also the same day the house appraisal was scheduled to come. We were nervous because if the house didn’t appraise for what we were selling it for it would throw a wrench in our plans. God knew and we trusted He knew what He was doing since He clearly told me to sell. And right now it’s not a buyer’s market so we were stepping out in faith trusting He would take care of everything.

The appraisal worker came and to our surprise, she was not only a follower of Jesus, but we got to talking with her about our weekend plans being canceled and she made the comment that maybe God wanted us here so we could meet her. She was one of the nicest appraisal workers I’ve met. A week later our appraisal came in for exactly what our house was selling for–$13,000 over our list price!

God knew! He took care of every detail.

Through this experience of hearing God say to sell and following through with it, I’ve learned firsthand God’s timing is always right on time.

I want to share with you three lessons I’ve learned in the process that I believe may help you whether you’re selling your house or doing something else God has told you to do.

God’s timing is never too early

Psalm 27:14, “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

God knows exactly when to show up or do something. He doesn’t show up too early, because many times it’s because He knows we may not be ready. Perhaps there is a lesson He’s teaching you and if He came through “too early” you wouldn’t be ready to handle it, such as your character isn’t ready or you’re not disciplined enough yet. It could be any number of reasons. But God’s timing is never too early. He’s always right on time. Wait for the Lord. God’s timing is worth waiting for because He can do more in His timing than you and I can do in our entire lives!

God’s timing is never late

Isaiah 55:8-9, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Just as God’s timing is never too early He’s also never late. He will show up right when He’s supposed to. God knows the outcome of every circumstance and knows when to act and when to wait. On our end, we just need to learn to trust that His thoughts are not ours and His ways are higher and better than our own!

In the process of selling our house, I learned firsthand God’s timing was perfect. We didn’t sell too early or too late. We sold at the precise time God wanted us to sell and for a good reason. He made a way to not only bless us but help us get into a better position financially.

God’s timing is perfect

Galatians 4:4-5, “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.

God’s timing is always perfect. At the appointed time in history, Jesus arrived, and at the appointed time in the end He will return. His timing was perfect 2,000+ years ago and it will be perfect when He returns. God knew the perfect time to send His Son to fulfill the mission of the cross. It was perfect timing in human history.

God’s timing is perfect in everything He does. I know His timing was perfect when He told me to sell our house because we sold it for exactly what He knew we would at this time. A year ago we wouldn’t have sold it for what we did and, who knows, maybe six months from now the market will look entirely different. Either way, we can always trust His perfect timing!

Trusting God’s Timing

Trusting in God's timing can be challenging, especially when our plans don't align with immediate results. However, acknowledging that God's timing is always right can bring immense peace and assurance.

God's Timing is Always Right

Psalm 27:14 reminds us to "Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" This verse encourages us to trust that God's timing is always right. He knows the perfect moment to act in our lives, often teaching us patience and strengthening our character in the process.

God's Timing

Isaiah 55:8-9 states, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord." Understanding that God's ways are higher and more perfect than ours can help us relax into His plan. We may not always understand His timing, but we can trust its perfection.

God is Always on Time

Galatians 4:4-5 illustrates this beautifully: "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son." Even in the grand narrative of salvation, God is always on time. Jesus' arrival was perfectly timed to fulfill His mission, and we can trust that our life events will unfold in His perfect timing as well.

Embracing the belief that god's timing is always right can transform how we navigate life's uncertainties. By trusting that god is always on time, we learn to find peace and confidence in His perfect plan.

God’s Timing is a Testament

God’s timing is a powerful testament to His wisdom and sovereignty. In every situation, from the minor to the monumental, God is always on time, demonstrating His perfect understanding of our needs and circumstances.

God's Timing is Always Right

Throughout the Bible, we see numerous examples where God's timing is always right. Abraham and Sarah waited years for Isaac, Joseph endured trials before becoming a ruler in Egypt, and Israelites waited centuries for the Messiah. Each story shows that waiting is part of His divine plan, and His timing ultimately brings fulfillment and blessing.

God is Always on Time Quotes

Reflecting on quotes about God's timing can reinforce our faith. Consider these inspiring words:

  • "God is never late, but always on time."

  • "When God is all you have, then you will find that God is all you need." These quotes remind us that god is always on time, even when our human perception struggles with delays.

God is Always on Time

In personal experiences, like the story of selling our house, we see firsthand that God is always on time. His impeccable timing led us to sell at the right moment, with perfect provision and alignment. Such occurrences are a testament to His faithfulness and meticulous care for our lives.

Embracing the fact that gods timing is always right, and reflecting on god is always on time quotes, strengthens our trust in Him. It reassures us that, regardless of our timeline, God’s plan unfolds precisely when it should, for our ultimate good and His glory.

Aaron Joseph Hall is a devoted husband and father of four. He serves as the Digital Discipleship & Communications Pastor at More 2 Life Ministries. Passionate about writing, Aaron shares insights and inspiration on his blog: AaronJosephHall.com. You can follow him on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and X.

From a ministry partner:
Aaron Joseph Hall

Aaron, a writer, author, and blogger at AaronJosephHall.com, is the Digital Discipleship & Communications Pastor at More 2 Life Ministries in Okeechobee, FL. Married to his best friend, Sarah, they share the joys of raising four boys: Oliver, Hudson, Maverick, and Banner. Aaron is also a contributing writer for Think Eternity and has bylines at The Washington Times & The Christian Post.


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