Here Are 3 Benefits of Having Faith in God

By Aaron Joseph Hall

We had prayed for a child for a long time. The day we found out we were pregnant with our first son was a day I’ll never forget. We were due to leave for Haiti in a week on a mission trip. We had bought our plane tickets, prayed, planned, and were ready to go. But then we found out about our son and due to the health risks, we ended up not going to Haiti. Fast forward nine months, we were ready to meet our baby boy! 

But things didn’t go as planned. 

Our son was born and within hours he was rushed to the NICU because it was discovered he had bleeding in his brain in two places. Our family had left to go home–we were almost two hours from home–when we got the news. Without hesitation, they came back to the hospital after having just got home. 

I remember sitting in that hospital room before they got there numb. We couldn’t believe what was happening. We were fearful. We were worried. We needed a touch from the Lord. More importantly, our son needed a touch from the Lord.

When our family got back, we prayed. And this was a moment where I can look back on and see the power of prayer. It’s a moment in time where I can clearly see the benefits of having faith. A peace fell over us that we couldn’t explain other than we knew the Lord was with us. Were we still fearful, yes, but we had a trust in the Lord that was unshakable. We knew He was in control and we were praying He would heal our son. 

Later that night they transferred him to another hospital and two days later we went home. The bleeding was completely gone (there wasn’t a trace of it left) and his head was perfectly normal. The doctors were amazed. It was nothing short of a miracle! Having faith in moments like this changes everything. I have been around people who have no faith, who didn’t know Jesus, and were hurting and felt completely hopeless and empty. I don’t want to be like that and I pray you aren’t either!

I want to share with you 3 benefits of having faith in God.

Having faith helps you focus on God and not what’s going on. 

2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “​​ For we walk by faith, not by sight” (HCSB). 

Having faith helps us see what cannot be seen. It helps us trust God no matter what’s going on around us. Having faith got us through that first night in the hospital with our first born. And it’s faith that has allowed us to continue everyday knowing God is in control. 

Having faith helps you experience peace that passes all understanding. 

Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (HCSB). 

Life can be overwhelming. Having faith helps us experience the peace that can only come from God. The kind of peace that just doesn't always make sense but is strong enough to carry us through. It was that peace, the Prince of peace, that kept our heads above water when our son was in the NICU. 

Having faith helps you love others the way God loves you. 

John 15:12 says, “​​This is My command: Love one another as I have loved you” (HCSB). 

Let’s be honest: loving others can be hard. Having faith, more specifically a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, helps us see people the way the Lord sees people. Seeing them through His eyes helps us love them the way He loves us. Why? Because He loved us first we can love others the way He loves us. It’s that simple. Faith makes this easier, because it’s easier to love when we see someone made in the image of God; someone who Jesus also went to the cross for. 

Having faith in God has a lot more benefits than what I listed here. At the end of the day, our faith in God must be action. It must not be something we keep to ourselves. Souls are on the line. Tell someone today why having faith in God matters and why they should put their faith in Him also!

Aaron Joseph Hall, the writer behind and the youth pastor at More 2 Life Ministries, resides in Okeechobee, Florida, with his wife and four children. You can connect with him on Instagram and X.

From a ministry partner:
Aaron Joseph Hall

Aaron, a writer and author at, is currently the youth pastor at More 2 Life Ministries in Okeechobee, FL, and has been serving in student ministry for more than 10 years. Married to his best friend, Sarah, they share the joys of raising four boys: Oliver, Hudson, Maverick, and Banner. Aaron is also a contributing writer for Think Eternity.

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