Historic Baptism Event at California Beach Reflects Revival for a New Generation
By Alex Murashko
Young people who attended or have seen video of the “Baptize SoCal” event were given a glimpse of revival by witnessing several thousand people making public professions of faith in Jesus at a Southern California beach — and perhaps given hope for a generation hungry for a new narrative.
More than 4,000 people were baptized as an estimated 8,000 people watched at Pirates Cove Beach in Orange County on Pentecost Sunday (May 28). Baptize SoCal was organized, in part, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Jesus Movement.
PHOTO: Mike Evans / Facebook Post
For people who’ve only seen the historic spiritual revival that took place in the late 60s’ and early 70s’ through watching the Jesus Revolution movie that depicts the baptisms filmed at the same beach, this event helped make God’s power tangible.
“I totally know that this was a mighty work of God because [prior to the event] it wasn't going crazy all-over social media or going crazy all over the billboards,” youth pastor R.J. McCauley told Think Eternity. “When Gen Z sees something like this baptism they’re like ‘Whoa, I didn't know God could do this.’
“The power of this event really shows them how God can change a life and how they need to get baptized, let alone their friends need to get baptized, and that God is the God of redemption and of second chances, third chances, and fourth chances.”
In an interview for a previous article for Think Eternity, evangelist Greg Laurie said, “It seems there’s a direct parallel between the late 60s, early 70s, and today in so many ways. You do have a young generation that really seems to be searching like I've not seen since my generation during my (our) youth.
“More young people today are taking their lives than in any other time in American history. Drug use is up. Ironically, more kids today smoke marijuana than smoke cigarettes. LSD has made a comeback.”
McCauley pointed to several contributing factors as reasons for today’s “lost generation,” including lukewarm churches, disengaged parents, and a godless culture.
However, he was encouraged by noting that young adults and children were getting baptized at the event.
“At this event, the Bible came to light,” said McCauley, who leads CSBC Youth of the California Southern Baptist Convention. “All these churches, these nations of people, coming together for one reason, because Jesus is Lord. It was powerful to see that and for the next generation to know about it.”
He said that after showing his youth group at his church a video clip of the Baptize SoCal event, he told his students that “a real Jesus Revolution is happening right now, and you need to be a part of it.
“This is the year of the Jesus Revolution for your generation,” he told them.
Alex Murashko is the lead writer for the Thinke Writing Team. He highlights Christ followers within the media industry at Media on Mission. Find Murashko on various social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram.