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Jesus Isn't Afraid of Your Investigation

By Michael Kelley

There is no insecurity in the Son of God.

He’s not like us. We subtly beg for compliments, we subversively seek affirmation, we passive aggressively look for allies – but not Jesus. Jesus knows what He’s about. And He knows that what He offers is the only thing that truly satisfies.

It’s against that backdrop that we find the very simple but profound invitation of John 1. To set the context, John the Baptist was the religious draw of the day. With his eccentric dress, his biting rhetoric, and his fearless demeanor he challenged the religious establishment calling all who heard his message to repent, for the kingdom was at hand.

But John also knew that he was only a messenger; his entire life was meant to point to another. And so in John 1, when Jesus came walking toward him, it was the perfect thing to do for him to deflect the attention from himself and onto Jesus:

“Here is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

There were those who heard John say this – those who had been following John himself. But hearing the pronouncement, they stopped following John and started following Jesus. And the Bible tells us that Jesus, knowing these two men were following Him turned to them and asked them a simple question:

“What are you looking for?” (John 1:38).

The truth is, they didn’t know. At least not yet. They didn’t know what they were getting into. They didn’t understand the journey Jesus was about to take them on. They didn’t grasp the fullness of what it meant to truly follow Jesus. So they returned Jesus’ question with another question:

 “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?” (John 1:38).

That’s when Jesus said four words that changed their lives. And four words that can still change your life:

“Come and you’ll see” (John 1:29).

This is a statement of profound confidence. There is no self justification; there is no offer of proof; there is no cajoling or sweet talk to get them to follow suit. Only these three, simple words that changed the trajectory of their lives:

“Come and you’ll see.”

Jesus knows. Jesus knows that He is the only one that satisfies. Jesus knows that He alone can offer true life. Jesus knows that He alone can show us the true nature of all things. Jesus knows that only in following Him will we discover the true meaning we so long for. And so without any other preamble or elaboration, He offers the simple invitation:

“Come and you’ll see.”

It occurs to me that Jesus is still extending this same invitation today. And that He extends this same invitation to all, regardless of their national origin, their socioeconomic status, or their educational level:

“Come and you’ll see.”

He says it to those who are male or female, young or old, rich or poor:

“Come and you’ll see.”

Come, and you’ll see the water that doesn’t run dry. Come, and you’ll see the Bread of Life. Come and you’ll see the Living Word. Come, and you’ll see the antidote to sin. Come and you’ll see the way to hope. Come and you’ll see.

So confident is the Son of God. So self-assured. So much so that He holds Himself out so us, day after day, with the same invitation:

“Come and you’ll see.”

Jesus is not afraid of your investigation. He's not afraid to invite you in - to bring you close - because He knows who He is. And He knows what He is offering. There is no guile, no insecurity, no anger at those who are truly seeking.

But that's the question for such investigations, isn't it? It's about the heart and intent of those who are looking. The question is whether we are truly seeking, or whether - like so many of the religious elite during the days of Jesus - that we are not actually searching for truth. In such a case, we are looking for a savior that fits into our ideas of life. We are looking for someone to agree with our opinions, our biases, our lifestyle choices. If that's what we are looking for, then we likely will not like what we find when we come and see. Because Jesus isn't going to bend Himself to our whims.

Questions are fine as long as they are honest.

If, on the other hand, we have come to the end of our collective ropes and are truly looking for life, for grace, for security, and for the fundamental truth of who we are and where we are going, then we will not be disappointed. For those truly seeking - those open-hearted and humble enough to truly come - then we will find Jesus. Each and every time.

Michael Kelley is a husband, father of three, author, and speaker from Nashville, TN. His latest book is a year-long family devotional guide called The Whole Story for the Whole Family. Find his personal blog at