Next Generation Will Rise Up When Christian Leaders Tackle Tough Topics
By Alex Murashko
Christian leaders who want to reach younger generations should be willing to address controversial topics, author and young adults pastor Josiah Kennealy said. The task of answering hard questions is made easier by standing on God’s word, not on opinions.
Kennealy, who wrote the recently released book, “Fulfill Your Purpose in Your Generation,” told Think Eternity that it’s important to understand that opinions don’t matter as much as the truth.
“Biblical literacy is at an all-time low and that makes this cultural moment for pastors and Christian leaders a crucial one,” he states in his book. “According to Barna Group’s most up-to-date statistic on those born in years 1999-2015 (who make up Generation Z) only 4% of them have a biblical worldview.”:
By flipping this finding around, it reflects that 96% of the next generation is missing a Christian worldview, Kennealy said.
Photo by Papaioannou Kostas on Unsplash
“It’s no wonder that culturally there’s so many issues [troubling people] because we are pursuing trends rather than the truth,” he said. “As a culture, we’ve validated people’s individual truths rather than the truth, the way of truth, the light of Jesus and the Word incarnate.”
Today, so many leaders are fearful and avoid necessary conversations, he writes in Chapter 3, Tackling Tough Topics. “The stakes are high when we do this. If we avoid topics that are uncomfortable for some, controversial for others, or flat out challenging to approach – the next generation is going to, and rightfully so, avoid us. Instead, if we are willing to rise up to the occasion, I find that every time we do, young adults are willing and ready to rise up as well.”
Kennealy said that leaders and “all of us” can not be afraid to have hard conversations. “The fear of being canceled for our opinions can be removed when we stick to what the Word of God says.”
He states, “Tether your teaching to truth. Jesus is our model. It’s said about Jesus that He taught as one with authority (Mattew 7:29). You don’t have to do it alone either – Jesus taught as one with authority in biblical truth.”
In the chapter on tackling tough topics, Kennealy adds, “Anchor to the Word of God. Stick with scriptures over your own thoughts, ideas, and experiences. …we are simply called to preach what God already wrote in the Bible.”
“All scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
“Young adults are starving for community. They’re hungry for the truth. This generation is dying for us to have tough conversations. When we avoid them we lose, but when we have these hard conversations we gain so much and they gain so much,” he said.
First in a series, “Next Generation”
Second in a series: Could the Next Jesus Revolution Begin With Gen-Z?
Alex Murashko leads the Thinke Writing Team and blogs at Media on Mission. Find him on various social media sites (@alexmurashko). GETTR username @MediaOnMission.