Our Lord Calms the Storm

By Chelsea Kay Hurst

God has a funny way of doing things. He has us walk through some of the hardest parts of our lives, only to become stronger and more dependent on him. I used to never understand why God would take us through these storms that leave us feeling defeated or discouraged, but God has a reason for everything. Have you ever heard of the phrase “you grow through what you go through?” You grow through the challenges and hardships that shape the way you think, act, and even interact with others. I stand by the fact that God places us in and carries us through these situations that are uncomfortable and oftentimes even defeating.

John 16:33 says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


As we go through trials, it’s easy for them to consume us. We forget who has the situation in full control, guiding us through every step. In the verse above, it intentionally tells us that God has already overcome the world. Although we’ll have troubles and go through trials, God gives us peace. He gives us security, comfort, rest, and so much more. If you think about the story of Jesus calming the storm, he asked Peter to put his faith in him and come out on the water. It wasn’t until he did so that the water was calm and still. Peter climbed out of the boat, took Jesus’s hand, and walked gracefully alongside him. The other people in the boat couldn’t believe their eyes. They even ridiculed Peter for the strength of his trust and faith in the Lord. If you put yourself in Peter’s position, would you believe Jesus could really calm the storm? I like to apply stories from the Bible to stories in my life today. When the waters are raging and the clouds are rolling in, do you put your full faith and trust in God or do you run the opposite direction? God blesses those that persevere through trials, just read the verse below. Things may not go as planned, but it’s how we react to those speed bumps that determine the strength of our faith.

James 1:12 says, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

God not only blesses us when we depend on him through trials, he equips us for them. He gives us the strength, perseverance, and guidance, we just have to be willing to listen to him and surrender control for Him to calm the storm. Let our Heavenly Father calm your storms, all it takes is a little faith. Once you put all your trust in the Lord, he gives you what you ask of him, whether that be peace, guidance, or for his will to be revealed to you. Be like Peter and step out of the boat, holding God’s hand every step of the way.

Chelsea Kay Hurst is a writer, youtuber, speaker, author of "Your Own Beautiful Book", and Christian on mission to serve and love.

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