Reaction to Christian College Canceling Promise Keepers Event: God is Clear on Gender
By Alex Murashko
The news that a Promise Keepers event was canceled by Belmont University, a private Christian college in Nashville, because of the school’s opposition to the ministry’s position on gender ideology should be of concern to all Christ followers.
Belmont University announced last week it had canceled the event after organizers released a statement “reaffirming its support for the Biblical, biological, sexual identity of male and female, man and woman, in the context of marriage,” according to Promise Keepers, a nationally recognized men’s ministry.
FILE: Promise Keepers
Think Eternity ministry partner Malachi O’Brien said the cancellation and any falling away from Biblical teaching should matter to all Christians.
“The Bible and Jesus are clear on matters of sexuality and gender,” O’Brien said. “Any Christian institution [such as Belmont] that begins to worship at the altar of wokeism and gender inclusivity is neither loving nor Christian.”
He said that the university’s decision and posture is a warning to other groups proclaiming to be followers of Jesus Christ.
“This is the inevitable destination of any church, ministry, or institution that loses a hunger for the presence of Jesus in all things,” O’Brien said. “They become a modern day Esau, trading their inheritance for convenience, which in the end does not fulfill.”
Ken Harrison, CEO of Promise Keepers, told CBN's Faithwire of an email the ministry received from the university just two days before tickets were supposed to go on sale.
According to Harrison, Belmont’s email stated, “‘Due to recent information, we realize our values don't align with your values’ or something to that effect 'so we can't do the event here,'" Harrison said. "I'm like, 'But we have a signed contract, we spent money on this. What do you mean?'"
When asked by Faithwire’s Billy Hallowell what he would say to Belmont officials if they were right in front of him, Harrison said, “Peter [the apostle] says, ‘Don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred towards God?’ (James 4:4) John [the apostle] says, ‘Do not love the world or anything in the world. Anyone who loves the world does not have the Father in him. The world and its desires pass away but the one who does the will of God lasts forever.’ (1 John 2:15)
“If we are loving then we take scripture seriously and we teach the whole Word of God,” he said. “In First Corinthians, Paul says, ‘Do not be deceived, adulterers, the sexually immoral, idolaters, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, slanderers, swindlers, and drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God. So have many of you, but you have been washed, you’ve been sanctified, you’ve been justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.’
“If I really love people then I would warn them about what Scripture says.”
Think Eternity founder Matt Brown said he is thankful for the godly courage of Harrison and Promise Keepers.
“God calls us to both truth and love,” Brown said. “His truth in the Word of God changes our lives. God’s truth will always offend some people but thank God His character doesn’t change with every whim of culture.”
He said, “If a college, church or ministry claims to follow Jesus they shouldn’t move with culture, away from sexual purity and the holiness that the Bible and the Church have been preaching for thousands of years.”
Brown said that he agrees with Harrison that pastors and churches need to have more courage to speak into these issues.
“We should love everyone without agreeing with sinful lifestyles that destroy the people God loves. We can respectfully and gently stand for God’s life-changing truth.”
Alex Murashko is lead writer for the Thinke writing team. He highlights Christ followers within the media industry at Media on Mission.
Twitter: @AlexMurashko