Think Eternity

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Staying Rooted in Jesus: Overcoming the Crowd's Influence

By Aaron Joseph Hall

When I was a sophomore in high school, I went to the Easter service at First Baptist Church. At the time, I was not a believer. I was living a lie, having created my own version of who I thought Jesus was to justify my own sinful lifestyle.

But that Easter service was different. There was something special about that place. It felt right. Deep down in my soul, I knew I was missing something. I just did not know what that something was—yet!

After the service, I called the girl I was dating at the time to tell her I wanted to go back. However, her response shocked me and kept me out of church for the next four years.

She said, "That's not you."

Those three words stole my hope, killed my joy, and kept me from stepping foot in a church for a long time. I had allowed those words to snatch the truth I had heard preached at that Easter service.

Have you ever let the crowd—or someone—keep you from Jesus? I allowed a girlfriend to keep me from Jesus, even though I felt Him drawing me closer to Him. I pushed what I felt from the Lord under a rug and listened to three words—a lie—and the enemy celebrated.

But I don't want that to happen to you!

I want to share with you three things you can do to help you not give in to the crowds and naysayers—to stay rooted in Jesus!

1. Seek God's Word

The first step in staying rooted in Jesus is to seek God's Word. Dive into the Scriptures and let them guide your understanding of who Jesus truly is. Don't rely on your own misconceptions or the opinions of others.

The Bible is the ultimate source of truth, and by immersing yourself in it, you will find the answers you seek.

Proverbs 8:17 says, "I love all who love me. Those who search will surely find me" (NLT). When we take the time to seek God's Word we will ultimately find Him in the process! I wish I would have done that all those years ago!

2. Surround Yourself with Believers

It's important to surround yourself with fellow believers who can encourage and support you on your journey.

Find a community of like-minded individuals who share your faith and can provide guidance and accountability. Together, you can uplift one another and stay strong in your commitment to Jesus, even when others try to sway you.

Hebrews 10:25 says, "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near" (NLT). 

The reason why her three words kept me out of church was because I didn't have anyone in my life to speak truth over me. I had no community of believers to really surround myself with. Find a community and do life together!

3. Pray for Discernment

When faced with the influence of the crowd or naysayers, prayer is your most powerful tool.

Ask God for discernment to recognize the lies and falsehoods that may come your way. Pray for wisdom and strength to stand firm in your faith, no matter the opposition.

God is faithful, and He will guide you on the right path if you seek Him with all your heart.

One of my favorite passages of Scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take" (NLT). Trust God and seek Him in the process and those three letter lies won't keep you from your God-given purpose. More importantly, they won't be able to keep you from Jesus!

Remember, the crowd's opinion or the words of others should never dictate your relationship with Jesus. I wish I never let it do that for me but maybe you can avoid the mistake I made! Don't let anyone steal your hope or hinder your joy. Stay rooted in Jesus by seeking His Word, surrounding yourself with believers, and praying for discernment. Trust that God will protect you from the influence of the crowd and lead you closer to Him.

Aaron Joseph Hall is a devoted husband and father of four. He serves as the Digital Discipleship & Communications Pastor at More 2 Life Ministries. Passionate about writing, Aaron shares insights and inspiration on his blog: You can follow him on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and X.