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Watching Spiritual Movements; Revival LIVE

By Philip Nation 

Whenever revivals, awakenings, and spiritual movements of all sorts have happened in the past, we have always viewed in that way … in the past. When it was over, newspaper articles were written, books were published, and assessments were made. All through looking backward at what was over. 

Today, we are watching it in real time. Online videos and social media platforms allow us to know what is happening day to day. In 1971, the cry was “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.” Today, the revival will be live-streamed.

PHOTO: Bruce Mars / Unsplash

So, as we watch it unfold, allow me to offer five thoughts on what we should do.

1. We should pray for the fires of revival to spread and produce lasting fruit.

Jesus taught the image of the vine and the branches in John 15. He said that we would produce fruit, much fruit, and fruit that would last. Fervent prayer for more and lasting fruit should be our first inclination. Let’s plead for the Holy Spirit to deliver true revival throughout the church and a great awakening around the globe.

2. We ought to seek discernment through God’s Word about every such occurrence.

It is right to test everything that happens by God’s Word. Most of us have never experienced anything like what is happening. Since it is out of the norm, dig into the scripture about it. Before any of us make a decision about its validity, let’s assess it by the principles revealed in the scriptures.

3. Guard yourself from theological cynicism, tribalism, or egotism as it may be a thin cover for disunity among God's people.

Social media allows us to be critical from a distance – even of our spiritual family. Please fight the impulse to immediately dismiss any spiritual movement that arises from another segment of the body of Christ. Embrace the fact that the Holy Spirit is not bound to work only in your theological tradition. Revival offers us an opportunity to be more unified than ever.

4. Guard yourself from sentimentality as it may be a thin cover for emotionalism that masks the need for repentance.

We must not accept every religious movement simply because we have waited so long for a great awakening. Alongside many true revivals, there have been “false friends” where singing and sermons never gave way to godly repentance. Revival among God’s people always results in deep repentance. Let’s hold fast to a deeper commitment to holiness where repentance bears the lasting fruit of personal devotion and global mission.

5. Pray all the more that a revival initiated by the Holy Spirit will happen in you, your local church, and your city.

As we watch what is happening in all of other place, pray for the Spirit to do it where you are. Reject both cynicism and sentimentality. Gather your church family and friends to pray for revival locally and a great awakening nationally. May the Lord do a great work in our day!

Philip Nation is a vagabond preacher. Doctor, but not that kind. Occasional professor.

Author of a few things including Habits for Our Holiness, Compelled: Living the Mission of God, Pursuing Holiness: Applications from James, and Transformational Discipleship: How People Really Grow

General Editor of The Mission of God Study Bible.