What Was Dr. Charles Stanley’s Secret?
By Dr. Malachi O’Brien
Upon Dr. Charles Stanley’s recent death, stories about him have emerged that reveal that there was more about him than simply what he accomplished. Although his legacy reveals much, he had a secret that is available to everybody, but many have yet to learn.
The “greatness” of an individual on an eternal scale is never measured by anything that can be counted. The size of a church, number of books written, or even the significance of people one may count as friends.
Rather the greatness of an individual is in relation to their likeness and love for Jesus Christ.
Dr. Charles Frazier Stanley was “America’s Pastor.” More people heard him preach than almost any other person in modern history. He gave leadership as the president of the largest Protestant denomination in America in it’s most needed hour. He pastored the same church for over 50 years. This is only an inkling of a most impressive resume that many would dream about.
What was his secret?
More than anything else, Charles Stanley loved Jesus.
Dr. Charles F. Stanley (1932-2023) PHOTO: IN TOUCH MINISTRIES / SCREEN GRAB
Man of Principle, Not Popularity
Dr. Stanley is famous for his “Life Principles.” Thirty to be exact. Lessons he learned while spending a considerable amount of time with his grandfather. However, it might be the first principle in his list of 30 Life Principles that is the master key that unlocks the secret of success for anyone who wants to be used by God.
“Our intimacy with God – His highest priority for our lives – determines the impact of our lives.” - Dr. Charles Stanley
The Hits and The Hills
Impact for God will never come easy for those who desire it. You will have to endure some hits and hills along the way. Dr. Stanley was no stranger to the hits and punches of public ministry. Before he officially became pastor of First Baptist Atlanta he was punched in the jaw by a church member who thought he should not be the pastor of the church. Who knew Baptist business meetings could be more entertaining than WWE?
In the mid-1990s’ he took the public hits of his very public separation and divorce. No doubt the stigma and shame were crushing. Regardless of what Dr. Stanley did or what you or I think he should have done or not done, he stayed on course. He did not quit. Even when life seems more drama-filled than “Days of Our Lives.”
Those of us who want to be used by God must learn the secret of a secret life with God and a resoluteness of heart that will never quit. Regardless of the hill and hits along the way — even if those hills and hits are of our own making, we must press on no matter what others say about us.
Eventually in life and in ministry, we must realize that we cannot control what others say about us, write about us, or even tweet about us. We must stay focused on what Jesus says about us, feels about us, and knows about us — the op-eds of others do not matter!
Preachers and leaders who live for the applause of others will die to their criticism. Everyone always has an opinion and often that opinion is rooted in insecurity of themselves and not the true evaluation of others. Dr. Stanley famously stated, “Obey God and leave the consequences up to Him.”
What sustained Dr. Stanley (his secret) for decades of ministry was a life in intimacy with Jesus fueled by prayer and humility. I would argue that 94.8% of those in ministry would improve their life of prayer and pursuit of humility.
Did you know that inside the front cover of the large Bible that Dr. Charles Stanley held in his hand while preaching is a prayer? That prayer was this:
“ANOINT me with your Spirit Lord for this strategic hour. That I may preach your holy Word with Pentecostal Power.”
This was a prayer that the Lord seemed to answer demonstratively. This is a prayer we all should pray.
What Other Leaders Shared
I asked a few leaders to offer some personal thoughts on what stood out to them the most about America’s Pastor — Dr. Charles Stanley.
“Dr. Charles Stanley was a kind and faithful leader who will leave a lasting legacy for many generations to come. I flew with him once to California and it was a memorable conversation I will never forget. He talked about the importance of kneeling when you pray. He is kneeling now in the presence of his Savior. Well done to one of the greatest in the Kingdom!” JENTEZEN FRANKLIN
“Charles was a man of the Word.” ED YOUNG JR
“His desire to obey God always with prayerful perseverance regardless of circumstances.” DR. JACK GRAHAM
“If you knew him you knew he always stood for the same thing. Scripture, Prayer, and Humility were his core convictions. Whether he was applauded or disdained he responded the same every time.” DR. JAY STRACK
“He had an ability to speak to people’s hearts like few I’ve ever witnessed.” DR. STEVE DIGHTON
“His devotion to humility and prayer.” DR. RONNIE FLOYD
“He was a master teacher of God’s Word primarily to the Body of Christ and he was the most devoted prayer warrior SBC has had as a pastor. DR. KIE BOWMAN
A Final Commendation
As I personally reflect on the passing of Dr. Stanley, I think it is a moment for all of us to deeply reflect upon our own lives. It is a time to consecrate ourselves once again to Jesus Christ. It is time for us to pick up the “fallen mantle.” A mantle of Gospel-responsibility rooted in an intimacy with Jesus Christ. In order to love Jesus on that final day we must love him today.
Hurts and disappointments will come. We are never too old or too young to be used by God. As we let go of entitlement and embrace gratitude, we can discover the beauty of beholding Jesus.
Fame is fleeting. Significance is subjective.
Love for Jesus is real legacy.
Dr. Malachi O’Brien is a husband, dad, national prayer leader, pastor, and world record holder for the most consecutive ultra-marathons. He is dedicated to a life of prayer. He serves in prayer, encouragement, vision and connections.