Why ‘Truth Over Trend’?
By Mathew Maher
There is no easy way to explain my present platform without providing a quick snapshot of my past, with my misplaced passion and the resulting pain I caused. I grew up in a strong Christian family, was a high achiever in school, a scholarship athlete, and eventually a professional soccer player, and yet despite my impressive resume, I would find myself in prison at the age of 25.
It was during those confined years that I had plenty of time to reflect on my life, review my core values and view the culture from an entirely different lens. It was there that Jesus became my personal tutor, walked along side me, taught me His Word by the power of His Holy Spirit, and where I went from being an intellectual Christian to an experiential Christian. A Bible reader to a Bible heeder. I was not in seminary—far from it in form—but rather, it was a depressing cemetery that became instrumental in God forming me. Ironically, it was in that very dark place where my faith came to life.
How did I dig myself into such a deep hole?
On March 7, 2009, a week after I tore my ACL in a professional soccer match, in what I knew would probably be a career ending injury, I remedied my problem in the ways of the world. Instead of relying on my faith foundation, I decided to bar hop with a friend stopping at all my familiar watering holes. The goal: numb my fear. I then got into my car to head to Atlantic City, where my recklessness of driving drunk, caused the death of another man. His name was Hort Kap and he was the father of six children. I was eventually charged with aggravated manslaughter.
I was living a self-induced nightmare.
That night changed so many lives and when the fog began to lift, my egregious act caused me to see with more clarity than ever. I was humbled beyond measure. As a result, I committed that I would spend the rest of my days honoring this man, his family, the family that I had failed, and the God who spared my life.
I was sentenced to five-and-a-half years in state prison. You can watch the miraculous forgiveness scene that unfolded on my sentencing day by clicking here and then “WATCH THE VIDEO.”
With the catalyst of forgiveness and the canvas of isolation in prison, it was there that my family encouraged me to journal my thoughts and experiences. My parents knew that what would come out of me would be entirely different than my thinking in the world because I would now be alone with God. They expected a mighty God to do a mighty work. And that He did (Ephesians 3:20). My mother began to post my prison journal entries online and soon my writings garnered the interest of many readers.
The main draw was the mighty transformation that was taking place in my life in real time. I had learned that one could be in a prison of chaos and yet still be imprisoned by peace (Philippians 4:6-7). My former Christian foundation was reawakened as I knew it was impossible to be effective and influential for Christ when one’s faith didn’t line up with what was being displayed. And for the first time in my life, I would begin my day on my knees, voraciously study the Scriptures and was determined to be an example of salt and light to the inmates around me—something I was inconsistent with prior to prison. I remembered the words my mom would say to me prior to this tragedy when I would leave the house. She would stand at the door and say, “Matthew, remember you may be the only Bible someone reads today.” Boy was I illegible. But now as an inmate of the state, I wanted to live out the Bible and its truth in my new state of creation by the mercy of Christ (II Corinthians 5:17). To be new in Jesus Christ made me brand-new in character, conduct, and conversation.
And the results were blessed by God as many inmates began to attend a Bible study that I started. All these testimonials would be documented on an eventual web site called TheMattMaherStory.com. In the course of one year, this site would be visited by over 80,000 people in 96 countries. It was obvious that people were attracted to finding out about the source of my hope which grew strong from a very dark place. My family fielded thousands of emails from people who were drowning in their own personal pain and confided how reading my blogs and what God was doing in my life pointed them upward.
PHOTO: Matthew Maher / FILE
Upon my release from prison in 2014, God opened numerous doors. I was offered a position to continue speaking publicly, sponsored by State Farm, in a program called, “I’m That Guy,” which I had done prior to sentencing. The program caught like wildfire as I was invited to share my story at various schools, colleges, and municipal alliance events. It was apparent that most prevention programs center on the victims and rightfully so. But this program brought the students face to face with the guilty party—me. And it was an eye-opener to them because in my “face” they could see their face. A powerful warning about decisions having consequences.
Simultaneously, I was also offered a job as a youth leader in a local church, which would eventually lead to me becoming an ordained Pastor. Something that was never in my purview but was definitely in God’s providence.
God had shown me such favor in prison and even more blessings upon my release. Most importantly, my family was able to build a relationship with members of my victim’s family. Something to this day that has my heart saying perpetually, “Amazing grace.” Speaking of amazing grace, God gave me the greatest gift of my life when He led me to Sarah, who is now my beautiful wife. We have two children that drive me to even more of a burden to “seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with my God” (Micah 6:8). They also are my motivation to speak truth in a culture of lies.
God had placed a calling upon me that can only be described by the words of Jeremiah the prophet: “His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not” (Jeremiah 20:9). This sums up my calling and is a path I cannot deviate from. And so, TheMattMaherStory.com eventually evolved to the platform that I presently stand on, www.TruthOverTrend.com.
Maher family (2022). PHOTO: Matthew Maher / FILE
Why ‘Truth Over Trend?’
Because truth is perishing before our very eyes; and if truth dies then lies thrive. And if lies thrive then people die. That is a fact and is obvious in our current culture. We live in a world of fads that fade and trends that end. And only truth prevails. Only the Word of God stands the test of time and trial. It is the undisputed source of righteousness and justice; it is the power that stiffens our backbones to stand and strengthens our jawbones to speak.
And now more than ever is the time to stand on Gospel truth and speak the truth of the Gospel.
Thus, it is the aim of this platform to inspire conscience (so people may know Christ) and instigate conviction (so people may show Christ). Through various mediums (blogs & books, sermons & podcasts, merch & more). It is my heart’s desire to share the Truth of God's Word to bring conviction and clarity in a world of trends. So, I invite you, not to “follow me,” but to join me as I follow Him. In the words of the Apostle Paul: “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (I Corinthians 11:1).
Go to www.TruthOverTrend.com to navigate the ministry and messaging of Matthew Maher. You can also download the Truth Over Trend app, where you will be enabled to watch, read, or listen to fresh content presented from a biblical worldview. Also, one of the main features of the app will allow you to receive a "Daily Dose" of spiritual and scriptural encouragement (Monday through Friday at 7AM EST) as an app notification. These are short and shareable. Tap the banner on the home page of the app to see how to get the Daily Dose notification. This app feature will be launched in January of 2023!
[The Truth Over Trend app is the digital platform that supports the ministry and messaging of Matthew Maher]