Find Fulfillment
How do I find fulfillment?
People all over the world are searching for peace - searching for happiness and fulfillment. Many search by pursuing success, pleasure, drugs or partying. But the things of this world only provide temporary fulfillment. It lasts for a short moment and then it is gone and people need to find another hit to cover over the emptiness and loneliness they feel inside.
I have good news for you today. You can find fulfillment, but not in yourself or the things of this world. You can find lasting fulfillment in God. Many religions offer promises of God, but only Jesus shows us the way, made the way, is the way to our Heavenly Father. The Bible tells us that “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
Today, you can find lasting fulfillment in a God who loves you and gave Himself for you on a cross. He took the sins of the world, and He can lift the weight of sin off your life today, and give you the lasting fulfillment your heart longs for, if you will confess your sin and trust in Him as the Lord and Savior of your life.
Does God really care about me being fulfilled?
Some people think that God doesn’t care about us being happy, only holy, but the Bible begs to differ. Virtually everyone who puts their faith in Jesus Christ reports experiencing an incredible amount of hope, joy, peace and love. It is amazing, and hard to put words around how amazing it feels to have God in your life.
The Bible also tells us that the fruit of God being in our lives is love, joy and peace. That is what God wants for you - lasting fulfillment - and He will help you get there.
I’m a Christian, but I’ve lost my joy, can you help?
Jesus tells us in Matthew 13 that many people receive the gospel with great joy, but weeds come in and choke out the joy we initially experienced in our faith. These weeds are the deceitfulness of wealth and the cares of life.
The cares and pressures of life can overwhelm us and steal away the joy and fulfillment we’ve found in God if we are not careful.
This is why we are always sharing powerful faith content to help remind you of the powerful truths of God’s Word, and to help you move back into the fulfillment God has for you.
It is not uncommon to face discouragement and adversity in your life, even as a believer in Jesus, however God can give you a peace and joy that is not dependent on your circumstances in life.