Roaring Twenties Fast

Calling 1 million young people
to fast and pray
as we enter into, and throughout
the “Roaring Twenties”

Today, prominent Christian leaders and ministries throughout the United States are urging and supporting the call for one million people, especially young people to fast and pray at the beginning of 2021 and throughout the “Roaring Twenties”. 

At the beginning of 2020 a new generation followed in the footsteps of great faith leaders like Bill Bright, Ronnie Floyd, Jentezen Franklin, and others by choosing to seek God in fasting and prayer. 2020 became a year in history like none other. From COVID19 to racial unrest to a divided Election to the shutting down of churches across America, the sense of urgency has risen to new levels. Many believe we must call for fasting and prayer with even greater resolve than ever before. The urgency of our time calls for people with a resolute desperation for God to move. 

Roaring Twenties Fast 2021 will be driven by stories and inspiration on all social media channels. From Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube the digital pulpit will be igniting the Digital Billy Grahams of this generation. The fame of revival spreads the flame of revival. 

Jentezen Franklin, a leading voice in the fasting movement states “We must get to the place where we are desperate for God again. We must begin to desire Him more than food or drink. Dr. Ronnie Floyd, CEO of the Southern Baptist Executive Committee states, “The question is not whether God is willing to move in the hearts of His people; but whether we are willing to surrender in full obedience to Him. Fasting and prayer is the gateway to supernatural breakthrough.” 

“The call to fast and pray is an invitation into the very presence of God. Many believe we are on the precipice of one of the greatest revivals in history, and today we have an invitation to join Christ’s intercession for the nations. We are calling a new generation to be marked by the same hunger and passion that has led to the great revivals of past generations.” -Dr. Malachi O’Brien


2021 Theme


Daniel 10:12 - “Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.”

Get Involved


How do I fast?

We are encouraging a 21-day fast starting on the first Sunday in January. (January 3rd-January 23rd, 2021)

Important Note: Young people be sure to talk with your parents, and your doctor about how to safely fast.

Please join us in fasting however God leads you to fast during this time.

The typical fast is going without food, but there are other types of fasts you may choose from:

  • A typical fast is going without food for a single meal, or a longer period of time.

  • A Daniel fast is eating only fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

  • A juice fast is only doing juices or liquids.

  • An entertainment fast is going without entertainment.

  • A social media fast is going without social media.

For instance, you may choose to do a food fast for 1 day, and then another type of fast for the remainder of the 21 days.

You could also fast by skipping one meal each day for a period of days, and spend that extra time seeking God in prayer.

The primary objective is to deny ourselves, and make space and time in our lives to seek God in prayer and the reading of His Word for a greater move of God in our lives, and our world.


Dr. Malachi O’Brien, National Prayer Committee
Yale Kim, The Prayer Council - US
David Kim, Contend Global
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, NHCLC
Josiah Keneally, Young Adult Ministry Leaders
Paul Worcester, Campus Ministry Network
Matt Brown, Think Eternity



To help call 1 Million young people to the fast.