Who Took Care of Mother Theresa

Mother Theresa was known by the world as a saintly Christian - one who took care of the poorest of the poor in their dying days, giving them dignity in death.

But who took care of Mother Theresa in her dying days?  That would be another wonderful old, saintly lady named Huldah Buntain.  Huldah and her late husband Mark have quite literally changed the world - planted over 700 churches across India, planted over 100 schools across India, built the large Calcutta Mercy Hospital in downtown Calcutta (the story of which is nothing short of miraculous - several books have been written about their work) which treats 100,000 needy people a year for free, a massive daily feeding program throughout the region, and countless other selfless acts.  Mrs. Buntain has lived a life of true sacrifice and Christ-like love for others.

Huldah was a good friend of Mother Theresa's, in fact their missions are right down the street from each other.

Huldah just happens to be in the Twin Cities this week, speaking at our home church, Emmanuel Christian Center.  Come join us this Sunday morning for our 9am and 11am services.

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To Haiti with Love