Think Eternity

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How Much is Your God Worth?

Still remember a story I read in Leonard Ravenhill's book Meat for Men, where Ravenhill states: 

"Recently, we visited an elaborate and opulent temple in the Far East. This experience reminded me of one Christian visitor who, overwhelmed with the ornate place and its static wealth, asked a heathen worshipper, ‘What is the actual cost of erecting a temple like this?’ The startled devotee replied in pained surprise, ‘What is the cost? This temple is for our god, and for him we never count the cost.’"

As believers who serve the One True Living God, how much more should this be so of us? 

What is this Living God really worth in our eyes? How much of our service and worship and faithfulness and passion does He then deserve?

Our lives have been transformed. We will never be the same. The weight of sin and shame has been lifted. We sense His nearness and have experienced His great love tangibly. The veil has been removed from our eyes. We can see the glory of this God. He is worth everything.

This life is for our God, and for Him we never count the cost.