How Do We Know the Bible is Accurate?

By Chuck E. Tate

I’ve had the opportunity to pastor the same church for 25 years. During these 25 years, one question I have been asked countless times is: “How do we know the Bible is accurate?”

My answer has always included pointing people to evidence. Without evidence we don’t have a leg to stand on — so, my question is can the Bible stand up on its own? Can it withstand the scrutiny? Is it accurate?

Allow me to answer my own questions with a resounding YES!

Because of the current cultural climate in the United States, the Bible has been attacked more recently than at any other time during my lifetime (that I can remember). Still, my faith in God’s Word is not only secure — it has gotten stronger, not weaker. Why? The evidence. I am going to share some of that evidence with you and include a few resources in case you want to do a deep dive.



In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. …So the Word became human (Jesus) and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son. —John 1:1,14 (NLT)

The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by 40 different authors in three languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek) on three continents in 16 countries. It spans nearly 1,500 years and is broken down into two sections: Old Testament and New Testament. Depending on which translation you use, the Bible contains 1,189 chapters, 31,102 verses, and 783,137 words. 

As Christians, we believe this collection of books is the inerrant, authoritative, and inspired Word of God. It’s the foundation for our faith in God through Christ and the very means to learn about life and teachings of Jesus. 

So how do we know it’s accurate?


We have archaeological evidence, historical evidence, scientific evidence, circumstantial evidence, and more than 300 prophecies that were fulfilled in the birth, life, ministry, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Throw in countless testimonies by millions of believers (throughout centuries) whose very lives have been impacted by the Bible, and that’s a lot of evidence.

While there are multiple published books available that are dedicated solely to each line of evidence, here is a short overview that includes a few bullet points to support each line of evidence.

Archaeological Evidence

  • There have been more archaeological discoveries to validate the Bible than any book in history. 

  • There has never been an archeological discovery to discredit Scripture.

Historical Evidence

  • We have more early manuscripts of the Bible than any book in history. 

  • We have more early manuscripts of the New Testament alone than any other book in history.

  • According to Neil R. Lightfoot, “The New Testament is without a doubt the best attested book from the ancient world.”

Scientific Evidence

*Credit John N. Clayton

  • The earth is round (Isaiah 40:22)

  • An infinite number of stars exist (Genesis 15:5)

  • The law of gravity (Job 26:7)

  • Blood is necessary for life (Leviticus 17:11)

  • Plants use sunlight to manufacture food (Job 8:16)

  • Life originated in the sea (Genesis 1)

  • Water Cycle (Job 26:8)

Circumstantial Evidence

  • We have four biographies of Jesus in the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and all four were written by eyewitness accounts. All four are consistent and stand up under examination and are factually accurate.

  • Not only were the lives of Christ’s disciples transformed, but they died for their belief in the resurrection.

  • Christianity exploded and spread in the midst of intense hostility and persecution from both religious and civil leaders.

Prophecies (approximate years written before being fulfilled)

  • Jesus would be born of a virgin (700 years before it happened)

  • Jesus would ride on a donkey (500 years)

  • Jesus would be betrayed (1,000 years)

  • Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (500 years)

  • Jesus would be crucified (1,000 years). This means it was foretold before crucifixion was even invented.

  • Jesus would be pierced (700 years)

Recommended Resources

  • The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel

  • The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel

  • How We Got the Bible by Neil R. Lightfoot

  • Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell, Sean McDowell PhD

  • Cold-Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace

  • A Holy Haunting by Sam D. Kim


There’s a reason the Bible has withstood centuries of resistance. It’s accurate. It’s reliable. It’s relevant. It’s timeless. But it’s more than that. It’s alive.

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. —Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)

The Bible is the bestselling book in history. It’s the number one selling book every single year. I’ve heard that it’s the most shoplifted book in history. It’s also the only book that people will literally risk their lives just to get their hands on a copy of it…

And it’s not going anywhere.

The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.” —Isaiah 40:8 (NLT)

I firmly believe that if you truly take an objective look at all of the evidence, it requires more faith to draw a conclusion that the Bible is inaccurate than to simply believe it is true.

I believe the Bible is true. 

Do you?

Chuck E. Tate is a pastor, podcaster (Revival Town Podcast), and an award-winning author of ‘41 Will Come.’

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