‘Nine Words From Jesus’ Relevant to All of Us

By Alex Murashko

The thought that “there has to be more” burned through his synapses every single day. But the harsh reality was that being a blind beggar was his life – and it weighed him down like a sack of grain from the marketplace.

Bartimaeus’ senses were locked and loaded on the fast-moving crowd. He could feel the excitement in the air and taste the dust kicked in his direction. Jesus was coming.

– Pastor and author Chuck E. Tate, “Nine Words From Jesus – A Manifesto of Hope,” Introduction

When asked why he was attracted to the story of Bartimaeus that’s found in the Bible and used in his latest book, pastor and author Chuck E. Tate told Think Eternity News that his main reason was because he believes “it’s relevant for anyone who reads it.” 

After talking with Tate and reading his latest work, I have to wholeheartedly agree. Nine Words From Jesus – A Manifesto of Hope is relevant to not only me, but I venture to say, all of us.


Audiobook Trailer (Nine Words From Jesus)/See Video Below

“What Jesus did for Barimaeus, he wants to do for us,” Tate, who is the founder and pastor of RockChurch in Peoria, Illinois, and a host of Revival Town Podcast, said. “Through pastoring and life experiences I found that life isn’t fair. It’s hard. People are either in a crisis right now coming out of a crisis, or at some point in the future, they’re going to find themselves in a crisis or in need of a breakthrough. I wrote the book because I wanted to help people who needed a breakthrough.”

Now, Bartimaeus was face-to-face with Jesus – staring at him through hollow eyes while Jesus stared back with compassion in His. Then, Jesus spoke and said nine words to Bartimaeus that were about to change the trajectory of his life:

“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked.

“My Rabbi,” the blind man said, “I want to see!”

And Jesus said to him, “Go, for your faith has healed you.” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road. (Mark 10:51-52)

“What I found in preaching that story is that people like inserting themselves into the story,” Tate said. He’s observed that people can relate to Barimaeus’ desperation. “They believe they need to shout louder, declare the need to go all in. Or say, ‘I need to approach God boldly, because I need a breakthrough. I need a miracle. It’s time to do something in my life, or I need God to rescue me.’” 

Tate said that although it wasn’t evident at first, writing the book was instrumental in helping him get through a difficult time when his wife became ill for a long period of time. The book gets into detail as to how dark a period of time it really was for them.

“My wife entered this five-year health journey where I had to rise above the resistance. She had to rise above the resistance as well,” he said. “We had to fight through that resistance and cry out to God. And it was instrumental in my own personal walk.”

Nine Words From Jesus – A Manifesto of Hope is written in a personal style with Tate’s unique humor and encouragement. At the end of each chapter is a “Declaration of Hope” and “Prayer Response” that is also encouraging.

“Like the crowd delivered Bartimaeus to Jesus, I want to help you position yourself so you can hear the same words Jesus spoke to Barimaeus – the nine words that will ultimately change the trajectory of your life,” Tate states to readers in the introduction to his book. “My prayer is that this book will become your battering ram to help you bring down the walls of whatever is blocking your path to answered prayer and a better life.”

Alex Murashko is a Christ follower, husband, journalist and writing team leader for Think Eternity, a site for powerful faith content to help you live the fulfilled life in Jesus. Murashko is also founder of Media on Mission.

Connect on X (formerly Twitter): @AlexMurashko.

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